I’ve just become a Yoast certified SEO’er

Yoast certified SEO consultant in Oxfordshire

I’ve been a Yoast enthusiast for some time; although this website currently doesn’t run on Yoast SEO… I will migrate everything shortly!

If you have a WordPress site with an SEO plugin installed, there is a great plugin to help migrate your meta data from tools such as All-in-one SEO.

As I am always installing and configuring Yoast, as well as training clients on the best way to use Yoast, I thought it was about time that I took their WordPress SEO training course with three aims:

  1. To make sure I kept up to date with all of the many aspects of SEO;
  2. Because I knew that, however much I do know, there’s always something new that I don’t know, and I wanted to find new techniques; and
  3. So that I’d have a certificate to show people (like you?) who wanted to be sure they were offering an SEO service to someone who understood the challenge and was certified to do so.

Being Yoast certified is just the beginning…

Becoming qualified on Yoast SEO is just the beginning. Search engines change their algorithms on a daily basis which means the SEO specialist has to keep up to date. Yoast is a great help, because their business is staying on top of changes in SEO industry and notifying their users. They tell us what’s changed, and we then modify what we write for you on your pages and posts.

Yoast certified SEO consultant in Oxfordshire

Why does SEO matter?

More than 100 million active hostnames, more than 40,000 new domains are registered in one week. Against that kind of competition, you want – you need – every help you can get in helping people looking for a website like yours to find it.

That’s what SEO does; it’s why it matters; it explains the need for a certified SEO specialist! It ensures your WordPress website is seen!

Here’s a badge that links to my certificate:

Laurence Caro successfully completed the Yoast SEO for WP Training course!

Need help with your SEO? Get in touch


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